Visiting the Polish Baltic coast, we invite you to our Miniature Park in Niechorze. We offer a guided tour which will last no longer than 45 minutes. You will visit the entire Polish coast and all lighthouses from Krynica Morskia to Świnoujście. All our miniatures are build in scale 1:10.
- 72-350 Niechorze, ul. Ludna 16
- tel. 691 977 977
- Open daily:
- 10:00 - 16:00
A documentary film about our Miniature Park!
- Jan 22, 2013
Together with the tourism television channel "PolskaNaWeekend.tv" we made a documentary. It starts with a small introduction about the development of lighthouses and then focuses on the partially turbulent history of the Polish lighthouses. The focus of the documentation is clearly the presentation of our Miniature Park. Although the film is in Polish, it is still worth to watch because the many beautiful shots speak for themselves. In the future we are also planning an English version of the film.
In Poland we celebrate grandmother's day on January 21st and grandfather's day on January 22nd. Comparable to the mother and the father's day, the grandparents are honored and celebrated. The greatest gift is spending time together for example in our Miniature Park of the Polish Lighthouses. We invite you to visit us with your entire family. To warm up, we offer hot chocolate.
The 21st auction of the organization WOŚP (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy) has collected this year about 39,855,148 zł for charity purposes. The Miniature Park of the Polish Lighthouses donated too.
It all began with the opening of the Miniature Park on May 19th, 2012. Our goal was to create a center of the Polish lighthouses. A total of 29 lighthouses of the Polish coast can be seen in our Park all built in scale 1:10. We also built a medieval lighthouse in scale 1:1, unique in Europe.
This year the Park was visited by a lot of famous Polish people from politics, industry and television. In collaboration with a TV channel we made a film about the Miniature Park. In addition, there were reports on television, interviews with the owner (Mr. Marian Piasecki) and a variety of articles about our Park in various newspapers and websites.
In the whole community of Rewal there are signs with our logo and directions to our park. We have also attached posters on around 300 billboards. That the advertising was worth show e.g. hundreds of photos on over 20 different Internet blogs about our park.
Even newlyweds took advantage of our amazing park for unique wedding photos. We are also very proud that the best selling souvenir magnet is the one with the logo of our park and that our Christmas lights this year aroused great joy and admiration.
In 2013 our park will be expanded by one of the finest Gothic buildings in Pomerania, the Cathedral of St. John in Kamień Pomorski. The Polish coast offers a variety of other monuments, of which one or the other will find for sure the way to our park in the future. It is worth to visit us from time to time, as we continue to develop and always offer something new.
We are looking forward to welcome you in 2013 . A healthy and prosperous New Year wish you the owners of the Miniature Park and the whole team.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
- Dec 19, 2012
Of the hundreds of wonderful places in our region, the readers of the Wrocław newspaper "Gazeta Wrocław" chose the Miniature Park in Kowary as the best tourist attraction in Lower Silesia. On December 10th, 2012 the owner of the park, Marian Piasecki, received the award "Odkrywanie Dolnego Śląska 2012" (engl. Discovery of Lower Silesia 2012).
Below are some photos of the ceremony.
Latest photos
- Dec 13, 2012
Our Miniature Park in the winter time!
- Dec 10, 2012
Despite the cold temperatures and the snow it is still worth to visit our Miniature Park. After taking a look at all our miniatures you can warm up in our gift shop with a cup of coffee, a hot chocolate or tea. You might even find the perfect Christmas gift. Especially beautiful is our park currently when it is getting dark because of all the Christmas lights.
It's winter time!
- Dec 4, 2012
Lighthouse Krynica Morska (pre-war period)!
- Nov 30, 2012
As already mentioned, we have completed the miniature of the pre-war period lighthouse Krynica Morska. It is currently presented in our Miniature Park in Kowary. However, the construction work in Niechorze run at full speed to provide a suitable place for the miniature. Soon the lighthouse will start his long journey to the coast.
Where is Santa Claus?
- Nov 26, 2012
Autumn has done its work and took all the leaves of the trees. The winter is coming and Santa Claus already landed in our Miniature Park with his reindeer sleigh. So far, he escaped our camera, but as soon as we take a picture of him, we will submit the images.
Lightvessel Adlergrund!
- Nov 13, 2012
Our newest miniature, the lightvessel Adlergrund, arouses widespread media interest.